We are very pleased to announce Hans Coper Exhibition to be held this October at 21st Tokyo Art Club Special Exhibition previously planned for last year but postponed to 2021 due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.
The exhibition showcases both the masterpieces representative of the work of Hans Coper in the ownership of our clients in Japan who have kindly agreed for loan to the exhibition and a group of his fine works we have been gradually acquiring over time.
We also have prepared an original exhibition catalogue which will be ready by the end of September early October. Please feel free to contact us should you like to have a copy.
Hans Coper Exhibition
Part I
21st Tokyo Art Club Special Exhibition.
Tokyo Art Club, 6-19-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo
Mitochu Koeki @ Booth No. 3F-11
Friday 15 October – Sunday 17 October 2021
11:00 – 19:00 (last day till 17:00)
Thursday 14 October for preview for Invited only
Website page: https://www.toobi.co.jp/special2021
Part II
Mitochu Koeki @ Lobby Floor, New Otani Hotel
Thursday 21 October – Wednesday 3 November 2021
11:00 – 18:00
(The exhibition excludes the loan collection)
Please give us a ring or send us an email for more information.
Mitochu Koeki TEL: 03-3239-0845 EMAIL: mitochukoeki@art.nifty.jp